


Experience Thrilling Stunts in City Car Driving Simulator: Stunt Master

City Car Driving Simulator: Stunt Master, developed by BoneCracker Games, offers an exhilarating car driving experience set in a bustling cityscape. Take control of high-performance cars as you navigate through the urban jungle, dodging traffic, evading cops, and performing jaw-dropping stunts.

Unlock Faster Cars and Masterful Tricks

Embark on a quest to conquer the city's streets by executing daring stunts and impressive drifts. Each successful maneuver earns you points, which can be used to unlock a variety of new, better, and faster cars. Whether you're pulling off loop-the-loops or executing perfect drifts, the city is your playground!

Immerse Yourself in Realistic Car Simulation

City Car Driving Simulator: Stunt Master delivers a realistic car driving experience like no other. Feel the thrill of speeding through the city streets, toggle turn signals, switch on headlights, and utilize the hand brake as you explore every corner of the urban landscape.

How to Play

Control your vehicle using the WASD or Arrow Keys. Activate the hand brake with the Space Bar, use turn signals with Q (left) or E (right), and toggle headlights with L. Start or stop the car with I, unleash nitrous boost with F, and change camera view with C. When needed, pause the game using the Escape key.

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